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Former Calderdale teacher's invention looks to reduce stress in the classroom and workplace

Former Calderdale teacher's invention looks to reduce stress in the classroom and workplace

It's great to see the news buzz starting to build up around Luma³ and the Kickstarter campaign.

"We’re naming the people who are getting behind this from the beginning our ‘Lumanaries’ because they are helping us inspire others to believe in doing things differently and making a positive change" - Michael Crinnion talking to the Halifax Courier.

The above article, by journalist Ian Hirst, writes about the huge impact Luma³ is set to make in both the workplace and schools. It was published in the Halifax Courier which is the newspaper local to one of the schools Michael taught at during his career in education.

Lumacube running Coherent Breath mode
Luma³ is both beautiful and functional. A fantastic piece of modern design to boost your wellbeing.

Lumacube is crowdfunding on Kickstarter until June 3rd. Early bird discounts of up to 28% are available on a limited number of units.

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