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Luma³ now available via employee benefits platform Whitecalm Wellness

Luma³ now available via employee benefits platform Whitecalm Wellness

We are pleased to announce a new collaboration with Whitecalm Wellness, a prominent British supplier of workplace initiatives and solutions for employee health. Through this collaboration, Whitecalm will make Luma³, an innovative new product from Mind Body Goals, accessible to its users via their platform's Wellbeing Shop.



Luma³ is a unique stress-reducing and wellbeing-enhancing tool that guides users through breathing exercises. With Luma³, users can learn to control their breath and reduce stress in just a few minutes a day. This can lead to a more productive, motivated and healthy workforce, which is beneficial for both employees and employers.


Whitecalm Wellness is based in Brentwood, Essex, and provides a variety of virtual workplace wellness programmes to businesses throughout the UK. By providing employees with access to wellness employee benefits, the company helps businesses to maintain a healthy and happy workforce. Whitecalm's workplace wellbeing initiatives are tailored to the specific needs of businesses and can include experience days, workshops, and webinars to address any issues that employees may face.


"We are thrilled to be partnering with Whitecalm Wellness to bring Luma³ to their customers," said Michael Crinnion, CEO of Mind Body Goals, the maker of Luma³. "Mental health and wellbeing are critical issues in the workplace, and we believe that Luma³ can play an important role in helping companies improve the health and wellbeing of their staff. We look forward to working with Whitecalm to support more companies in creating a better workforce for their businesses."




Whitecalm's CEO, Rebecca Tucker, added "At Whitecalm Wellness, we understand the importance of employee wellbeing and how it can affect the whole business. We are excited to offer Luma³ to our customers as a tool to reduce stress and increase well-being. We are confident making Luma³ available to our customers will help us to provide more companies with the employee wellbeing solutions they need to attract and retain talent, and to improve mental health and other wellbeing issues in their workplaces."


In addition to improving employee productivity and motivation, investing in employee wellbeing can also have significant benefits for employers. Companies that prioritize employee wellbeing are more likely to attract and retain top talent, as they are seen as a desirable place to work. Furthermore, when employees are less stressed and more productive, it can also lead to a more positive work environment and a more engaged workforce. According to the CIPD health and wellbeing at work report, include: 30% lower sickness absences, 28% better staff retention, and 29% reduction in work-related stress.


Overall, investing in employee wellbeing is not only the right thing to do for employees, but it can also have tangible benefits for employers as well. By providing tools like Luma³, businesses can support the overall well-being of their employees and reap the benefits of having a healthy, productive and motivated workforce.

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